Work with me

The heart of my work is unlearning shaming self-talk and relearning kind ways of treating yourself. Externalize the shame and internalize the compassion. 

I do this for folks that don’t feel like they fit in- because of their body, gender, queerness, neurodivergence, race- whoever is plagued with self doubt and feelings of inadequacy.

I am a fat liberationist social worker and therapist. I’m fat myself, and have been most of my life. I’m also queer and I also live with an autoimmune disorder, so I live with managing chronic symptoms and the nuance of caring/advocating for my body. My lived experiences influence my clinical approach, as well as what I have learned from studying anti-fatness, anti-blackness, ableism, and white supremacy.

My mission is to help folks feel more connected to themselves and their bodies, and to feel more cared for by themselves and their communities. I typically try to balance deep, inner exploration with practical, tangible interventions.